Through time, even hard rocks are slowly worn down by drops of water.
"[38][39] The position of Parmenides appeared validated by the observation that where there seems to be nothing there is air, and indeed even where there is not matter there is something, for instance light waves.
which can produce a multitude of different words from a few elements perpetuated the idea of atoms to waylay man's fear of death and supernatural powers by pointing that nature was governed by it own laws and the soul died with body and wasn't taken to Hades and tortured. takes there to be no grounds for preferring either interpretation
“We must remember that all the parts of the vortex are in contact, and that it is just this contact (epipsausis) by which the motion of the outermost parts is communicated to those within them. The fact that it is also a Pythagorean comparison so far confirms this; for we have seen that there is a real connection between the Pythagorean monads and the atoms. Poverty in a democracy is better than prosperity under tyrants, for the same reason one is to prefer liberty over slavery. views and his specific contributions to atomist theory, a fuller In making the concept of Democrtius theory of atoms, he had many inspiration from his own teacher, Leucippus. He believed the earth was flat and rested on the air. The assumption of empty space, however, made it possible to affirm that there was an infinite number of such reals, invisible because of their smallness, but each possessing all the marks of the Parmenidean One, and in particular each indivisible like it. He also stated that every atom is similar to each other which means that atom has no internal structure. Bryn Mawr Classical Review; According to Diodorus Siculus,[26] He distinguished between a rude, imperfect, and therefore false perception and a true one. Refer to Democritus theory, atoms in stone must have same properties. 2. He also pointed out that these atomos are unique based on its matter. He held that every world has a beginning and an end and that a world could be destroyed by collision with another world. The differences in shape, order, and position just referred to account for the "opposites," the "elements" being regarded rather as aggregates of these (panspermiai), as by Anaxagoras. perish, according to a kind of necessity (DK 67A1). ‘Leucippus and Democritus on Like to Even Anaxagoras took account of Zeno's arguments about divisibility (§ 128), but his system of qualitatively different "seeds," though in some respects it goes deeper, lacks that simplicity which has always been the chief attraction of atomism. Einstein's theory of relativity provided a new answer to Parmenides and Zeno, with the insight that space by itself is relative and cannot be separated from time as part of a generally curved space-time manifold. Leucippus is the author of famous book, Big Cosmology.