A white blood cell (WBC) count is a test that measures the number of white blood cells in your body. More Contacts
Young Basophil, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia, Blast, Late NRBC, Progranulocyte, Basophil, AML, Late NRBC, Basophil, Megakaryocyte, Blast, AML, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease blood, Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, multiple nuclei, Crushed myelocyte, polychromatic, orthochromatic NRBC, Intermediate megakaryocyte, basophil, smudge cells, Neutrophil Surrounded by Platelets, Platelet Satellitism, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction buffy coat, Monocyte, Plasmacytoid Lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat, Plasma cell with multiple vacuoles, normal marrow, Band eosinophil, mature neutrophil, Normal blood, Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, Eosinophilic myelocyte, eosinophilic metamyelocyte, mitosis, Eosinophilic myelocytes, neutrophilic myelocytes, Marrow, Eosinophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, Promegakaryocyte, intermediate neutrophilic cell, ITP marrow, Young megakaryocyte, neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow, Megakaryocyte, blasts, peroxidase stain, M-7 leukemia, Abnormal neutrophils, Pelgeroid, platelets, AML blood, Hyposegmented neutrophil, blasts, megathrombocyte, AML blood, Pelgeroid neutrophil, lymphocyte, AML blood, Pelgeroid neutrophil, monocyte, blast, platelets, AML blood, Myelocytes, abnormal platelets, AML blood, Mature neutrophil, blast, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, Blasts, megathrombocyte, acute megkaryocytic leukemia, Blasts, megathrombocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, AML blood, Late neutrophil, Pelgeroid, colorless cytoplasm, AML blood, Blast, late neutrophil, megathrombocytes, AML blood, Pelgeroid and intermediate neutrophils, blasts, AML relapse, Blasts, Pelgeroid neutrophils, AML in relapse, Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, band neutrophil, AML relapse, Pelgeroid neutrophils, blasts, AML in relapse, Blasts, abnormal megathrombocyte, AML in relapse, Blasts, neutrophilic myelocyte, monocyte, AML in relapse, Blasts, neutrophilic promyelocyte, AML in relapse, Pelgeroid neutrophil, progranulocyte, AML in relapse, Progranulocytes, acute megakaryocytic leukemia in relapse, Pelgeroid eutrophil, Megakaryocyte, Megakaryocytic Leukemia, Abnormal agranular megathrombocytes, megakaryocytic leukemia, Abnormal late neutrophils, colorless cytoplasm, M-7 leukemia, Abnormal late neutrophils, Pelgeroid, M-7 leukemia, Pelgeroid neutrophil, blasts, M-7 leukemia, Progranulocytes, neutrophilic myelocyte, M-7 leukemia, Late neutrophil, platelet, PAS stain, M-7 leukemia, Neutrophils, PAS stain, ds, ds18, ds19, bd, Blasts, M-7 leukemia, neutrophils, NRBC, Down’s syndrome, Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in Remission, Normal Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood, Normal Platelets , Proper Thickness, Field to Examine, Clumps of Platelets, Thrombocytosis, Capillary blood, Small Platelets, Megathrombocyte, Band Neutrophil, Abnormal megathrombocytes, Capillary blood, MDS, Platelet overlying a red cell, Megathrombocyte, MDS, Platelet , Mature Neutrophil, (PAS) stain, Neutrophils surrounded by platelets, Platelet Satellitism, Late Neutrophil Surrounded – Platelets, Platelet Satellitism, Mature Neutrophils surrounded by Platelets, Satellitism, Neutrophils, platelet satellitism, marrow, Platelet Satellitism, cerebral spinal fluid, Reactive, plasmacytoid, basophilic, reticular lymphocytes, Reactive lymphocytes, viral infection blood, Reactive/plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat, Reactive, plasmacytoid, Viral infection buffy coat, Mature, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection buffy coat, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, LGL, viral infection buffy coat, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection buffy coat, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, drug reaction buffy coat, Plasmacytoid lymphs, infectious mononucleosis blood, Plasma Cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood, Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease blood, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, alcoholic, Mott Cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic, liver disease, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, severe arthritis with osteoporosis, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, severe arthritis with osteoporosis, Plasma cells, severe arthritis with osteoporosis, Plasmacytoid, plasma cell, severe arthritis, osteoporosis, Hypersegmented neutrophil, mitotic cell, LGL, plasma cell, Plasma cells, late NRBC, neutrophilic myelocyte, Plasma cell, binucleated plasma cell, normal marrow, Plasma Cells, binucleated plasma cell, ITP, Binucleated Plasma Cell, orthochromatic NRBC, Binucleated plasma cell with a fragmenting cytoplasm, Plasma cell, Mott cell, buffy coat preparation, Plasma cell, vacuoles located over nucleus, Mott cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral infection, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Mott Cell, binucleated early megakaryocyte, Plasma cell, multiple vacuoles, anemia of chronic infection, Plasma cell, vacuoles overlying nucleus, monocyte, Pathologic rouleaux formation, Multiple myeloma, Pathologic rouleaux, plasma cell, Multiple myeloma, Megakaryoblast, intermediate neutrophilic cells, ITP marrow, Megakaryoblast, binucleated megakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia, Early binucleated megakaryocyte, chronic myelocytic leukemia, Binucleated megakaryocyte, myelocytes, late NRBC, Mature megakaryocyte, intermediate megakaryocyte, ITP marrow, Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, NRBC, cancer blood, Megakaryoblast, Emperipolis, Essential Thrombocytosis, Megakaryoblast, emperipolis, hemolytic anemia, Megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, endothelial cells, ITP marrow, Intermediate megakaryocyte, megakaryoblast, normal marrow, Intermediate megakaryocyte, late NRBC, mature neutrophil, Intermediate megakaryocytes, emperipolis, macrophage, Mature megakaryocytes, emperipolis, normal marrow, Mature megakaryocyte, emperipolis, normal marrow, Megakaryocyte nuclei, megathrombocytes, myeloid metaplasia, Myeloblast, micromegakaryocyte, myeloid leukemia blood, Micromegakaryocytes, myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia, Megakaryoblasts, chronic myeloid leukemia, M-7 leukemia, megakaryocyte nucleus, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias, Micromegakaryocytes, M-7 and chronic myeloid leukemias, Megakaryocytes, neutrophilic cell, double esterase stain, Platelets, neutrophil, monocyte, GP IIbIIIa stain, Mature megakaryocyte, platelets, NRBC, GP IIb,IIIa stain, Normal blood – dense area, segmented neutrophil, Normal blood – dense area, lyphocyte, segmented neutrophil, Blood – thin area, lymphocytes, neutrophils, Normal blood, segmented neutrophil, small lymphocyte, Normal blood, segmented neutrophils, lymphocyte, Normal blood, segmented and hypersegmented neutrophils, Hypersegmented and normal segmented neutrophil, Band neutrophils, karryorexes of neutrophils, smudge cells, Hypersegmented neutrophil, buffy coat of pernicious anemia, Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, normal blood, Segmented neutrophil, band neutrophil, normal blood, Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, normal blood, Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, lymphocyte, Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood, Segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocyte, normal blood, Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, thin area blood, Segmented neutrophil, lymphocytes, normal blood, Segmented neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocytes, normal blood, Lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood, Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophil, buffy coat, normal blood, Monocyte, lymphocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal blood, Monocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, normal blood, Segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood, mall lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, normal blood, Monocytes, segmented neutrophil, normal blood, Toxic monocyte, toxic neutrophils, sepsis, Metamyelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow, Metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow, Late neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow, Neutrophilic myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow, Band neutrophil, metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, NRBC, Neutrophilic metamyelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, Intermediate neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow, Neutrophilic myelocyte, smudge cell, normal marrow, Neutrophilic myelocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow, Intermediate neutrophilic myelocytes, normal marrow, Neutrophilic myelocyte, almost no granules, normal marrow, Segmented neutrophils, band neutrophils, myelocytes, Myelocyte, smashed myelocyte, bare nucleus, smudge cells, Myelocyte, segmented neutrophil, normal marrow, Myelocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow, Myelocyte with many azure granules, normal marrow, Myelocytes, band neutrophils, metamyelocyte, Myelocytes, promyelocyte, late NRBC, metamyelocyte, Progranulocyte, band neutrophils, normal marrow, Progranulocyte, segmented neutrophil, polychromatic NRBC, Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, normal marrow, Progranulocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, monocyte, Progranulocyte, band neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, Progranulocyte, dying lymphocyte, normal marrow, One very early progranulocyte, normal marrow, Myeloblast, neutrophilic metamyelocyte, normal marrow, Myeloblast, late neutrophil, normal marrow, Myeloblasts, lymphocyte, late NRBC, normal marrow, Myeloblast, band neutrophil, normal marrow, Myeloblast, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow, Reticular cells, polychromatic NRBCs, normal marrow, Reticular cell, neutrophilic myelocyte, normal marrow, Plasma cell, Morula cell, Mott cell, Russell bodies, ITP, Abnormal megakaryoblasts, myelocytes, M-7 leukemia, Monocyte, engulfed platelets, Platelet Satellitism, Lymphocyte, platelet fragment, megathrombocyte, M-7 leukemia, Megakaryoblasts with coarse azurophilic granules, AML marrow, Megathrombocytes, agranular platelet, AML capillary blood, Platelets, Normal EDTA anticoagulated blood, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection blood, Monocyte, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, LGL, viral infection, Reactive lymphocyte, viral infection blood, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection, buffy coat, Reactive lymphocytes, Cytomegalovirus infection blood, Reactive, plasmacytoid lymphocytes, LGL, Cytomegalovirus, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, renal infection blood, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral infection, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, viral or bacterial infection, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, drug reaction blood, Reactive, plasmacytoid, viral infection blood, Plasmacytoid lymphoid, infectious mononucleosis blood, Plasmacytoid, mature, plasma cell, alcoholic, liver disease, Blast cell, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, alcoholic/liver disease, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes, Mott Cell, arthritis, osteoporosis, Plasmacytoid, plasma cells, severe arthritis, osteoporosis, Plasma cell, monocytes, platelets, breast cancer blood, Plasma Cells, Acute myelomonocytic (M-4) leukemia, Mature lymphocyte, proerythroblast, basophilic erythroblast, Mott cell, Russell bodies, red cell transfusion, Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, Multiple myeloma blood, Bare megakaryocyte nuclei, myeloid metaplasia, Megakaryocyte nucleus, myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis, Micromegakaryocyte, myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis, Blood – thin area, lymphocyte, smudge cell, Very large, reactive lymphocyte, normal blood, Reactive lymphocyte, infectious mononucleosis blood, Lymphocyte with granules, tail area of normal blood, Very small lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood, Plasmacytoid lymphocyte, viral reaction blood, Monocyte with contorted nucleus, lymphocyte, Monocyte, plasmacytoid lymphocyte, normal blood, Large granular lymphocyte, monocyte, normal blood, Monocyte, small lymphocyte, iron deficiency blood, Abnormal megakaryocytes, proerythroblast, M-7 leukemia, Mature and abnormal megakaryocytes, M-7 leukemia, Abnormal mature megakaryocyte, mitosis, M-7 leukemia, Blasts, polychromatic nrbcs, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, Giant abnormal NRBC, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, Peroxidase stain, acute megakaryocytic leukemia, Abnormal megakaryoblasts, lymphocytes, AML marrow, Megakaryocytes, Glycoprotein IIbIIIa stain, M-7 leukemia, Blasts, Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7) in relapse, Peroxidase and Wright’s-Giemsa stains, M-7 leukemia, Blasts, peroxidase stain, M-7 leukemia blood, Blast, Megathrombocyte, Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemia (M-7), Monocyte, Bare Nucleus, Megakaryocyte, AML, Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Blasts, AML, marrow biopsy, Reticulin fibers, Megakaryocytes, Blast, AML, Marrow biopsy, Abnormal Megakaryocytes, AML, Marrow biopsy, Plasma cell with four nuclei, Acute myeloid leukemia, Tri-nucleated plasma cell, blasts, Acute myeloid leukemia, Blasts, Wrights-Giemsa stain, chronic myeloid leukemia, Blasts, GP IIb,IIIa stain, acute megakaryocytic leukemia.
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